Cooperative for ecological companies

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An alternative to the unlimited capitalism where the goal of companies is to maximize their profit at any cost, also through the destruction of the environment, exploitation of their workers and damage to the health of their customers.

The purpose of the cooperative is to support companies that
are owned by its entrepreneurs, managers, stuff and former stuff.
Or cooperatives and non-profit entities; Co-operative, public and non-profit co-owners;
are either debt-free or want to be or only have interest-free debts.
are not forced to make profit (no profit maximization).
be in harmony with nature and the environment (do not harm to the environment).
are fair to their workers (fair wages and good working conditions, profit share).
do not sell unhealthy products to their customers.

Excluded from membership are companies that:
make an operating loss and have bank debts (both).
Provide financial services or financial products, excluding precious metals as well as corporate financing and affiliated companies or organizations.
Produce or trade petroleum products, chemical medicines or killing weapons; establish or operate uranium nuclear power plants.

Entrepreneur, company manager
If these points are compatible with your company, you are welcome to register your company now!

Non-matching ownership shares can be converted into Com-Shares of the cooperative.
The company will receive ongoing support as long as it exists.

Alternative corporate finance
• No redemption obligation that can lead to bankruptcy, just at income (at least 1% of the debt or 20% of the income) and a risk of loss contribution at profit (4%).
• No interest-bearing debts or dividend-demanding investors anymore!
• Eliminate all your interest-bearing debt! Get as much capital as you need!
• At failure of the company there is no bankruptcy needed. Just a repayment if there are liquidation proceeds. The debt can be forwarded to a new or other company.
• Also suitable for non-profit companies and entities if there is a proposed continuous income.

Management consultants, agents, agencies
Get 4% of the Com-Share value by inviting companies to this alternative finance.

Why is it so important that the company has no interest demanding debt
A free market just works in a shortage market where there is a shortage of products or services.
In a saturated free market with a surplus of products or services the company profits tend to 0.
A company which makes no profit is not able to pay interest.
That means if it has interest demanding debt it will go bankrupt.
At banking crises the debt will become due. Because the company cannot repay it will be seized by the banks.

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